Project PI

Arturo Monaco

Date of birth


Email address






Research interests and expertise

My area of expertise is modern and contemporary Arabic literature. My research interests include: the reception of Greek classics and mythology, the reception of surrealism in modern Arabic poetry; the reception of foreign trends in Arabic literature; Arabic periodicals; Arab modernism; intercultural exchanges between Arabic and foreign literatures. In my teaching experience as professor and assistant I have covered the following topics in Arabic literature: history of Arabic literature, the literature of the nahḍah, contemporary Syrian literature, Arab drama, Arabic short story, exile in contemporary Arabic literature. My recent teaching experience covers also Arabic language and translation.

Arturo Monaco

Date of birth


Email address






Research interests and expertise

My area of expertise is modern and contemporary Arabic literature. My research interests include: the reception of Greek classics and mythology, the reception of surrealism in modern Arabic poetry; the reception of foreign trends in Arabic literature; Arabic periodicals; Arab modernism; intercultural exchanges between Arabic and foreign literatures. In my teaching experience as professor and assistant I have covered the following topics in Arabic literature: history of Arabic literature, the literature of the nahḍah, contemporary Syrian literature, Arab drama, Arabic short story, exile in contemporary Arabic literature. My recent teaching experience covers also Arabic language and translation.

Arturo Monaco

Date of birth




Email address




Research interests and expertise

My area of expertise is modern and contemporary Arabic literature. My research interests include: the reception of Greek classics and mythology, the reception of surrealism in modern Arabic poetry; the reception of foreign trends in Arabic literature; Arabic periodicals; Arab modernism; intercultural exchanges between Arabic and foreign literatures. In my teaching experience as professor and assistant I have covered the following topics in Arabic literature: history of Arabic literature, the literature of the nahḍah, contemporary Syrian literature, Arab drama, Arabic short story, exile in contemporary Arabic literature. My recent teaching experience covers also Arabic language and translation.

1/12/2022-30/11/2025: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, Sapienza University of Rome-American University of Beirut

1/06/2022-30/11/2022: Translator (Arabic into English) of reports about the excavations at Qasr al-imara in Kufa between 1938 and 1967, Sapienza University of Rome

1/04/2020-31/10/2022: Adjunt Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Catania (Italy)

20/01/2022-30/06/2022: Research Fellow for the MUR (Ministry of University and Research) project “Storia, lingue e culture dei paesi asiatici e africani: ricerca scientifica, promozione e divulgazione”, Istituto per l’Oriente C. A. Nallino, Rome

18/10/2021-31/12/2021: Trainer for teachers of Arabic as a foreign language, Sapienza University of Rome

1/05/2019-30/04/2021: Post-Doctoral fellowship, Sapienza University of Rome

1/12/2017-30/11/2018: Post-Doctoral fellowship, Sapienza University of Rome

1/09/2018-30/11/2018: Cataloguer, Istituto per l’Oriente C. A. Nallino, Rome

1/04/2018-30/06/2018: Cataloguer, Istituto per l’Oriente C. A. Nallino, Rome

1/05/2017-31/12/2017: Cataloguer, Istituto per l’Oriente C. A. Nallino, Rome

1/11/2012-16/06/2016: PhD in Civilizations, Cultures and Societies of Asia and Africa, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
Thesis: Il surrealismo in letteratura araba tra gli anni Trenta e Sessanta: storia, teoria e pratica poetica (Surrealism in Arabic Literature between the Thirties and the Sixties: History, Theory and Poetic Practice). Classification: Excellent

1/11/2010-13/07/2012: MA degree in Oriental Languages and Civilisations (Arabic curriculum), Sapienza University of Rome
Thesis: Il movimento surrealista egiziano attraverso la sua rivista “al-Taṭawwur” (The Egyptian Surrealist Movement through its magazine “al-Taṭawwur”). 110/110 cum laude

1/11/2007-13/07/2010: BA degree in Oriental Languages and Civilisations (Arabic curriculum), Sapienza University of Rome
Thesis: Yūsuf al-Muḥaymmīd: una voce della narrativa saudita contemporanea (Yūsuf al-Muḥaymmīd: a voice from the Contemporary Saudi Fiction). 110/110 cum laude

1/06/2022-30/11/2022: Member of the research project “Nuove prospettive sul complesso moschea-palazzo di Kufa” (P.I. Michelina Di Cesare), Sapienza University of Rome-Fondation Max van Berchem, Genève.

1/05/2022-current: Member of the Editorial Board of the scholarly journal DIVE-IN – An International Journal on Diversity and Inclusion (editors-in-chief: Maria Chiara Gnocchi and Maurizio Ascari), edited by the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures – LILEC, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna

1/12/2020-current: Member of the Editorial Board of the series “Traduzioni, studi e ricerche sulla nahḍah” (Translations, studies, and research about nahḍah) (editor-in-chief: Prof Isabella Camera d’Afflitto), edited by Istituto per l’Oriente C. A. Nallino, Rome

1/12/2019-current: Member of the research project “Negotiating Stories in Cohabitation: Dynamics and Narratives of Peace in the Great Empires of the Past (from Antiquity to Present Times)”, funded by Sapienza University of Rome

1/06/2018-current: Editor in chief of the scholarly journal La rivista di Arablit (editor-in-chief: Prof Isabella Camera d’Afflitto), edited by Istituto per l’Oriente C. A. Nallino, Rome

Surrealismi arabi 1938-1970. Il Surrealismo e la letteratura araba in Egitto, Siria e Libano (Arab Surrealisms 1938-1970. Surrealism and Arabic literature in Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon). Roma, Istituto per l’Oriente C. A. Nallino, 2020, ISBN 978-88-97622-64-2.

Be Like Adam’s Son. Theorising, Writing and Practising Peace in the Arab Region (edited by Fernanda Fischione and Arturo Monaco), Equinox, Sheffield 2024

Pittura e poesia negli scritti teorici e nella poesia ecfrastica del surrealista Ūrḫān Muyassar, in “Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie Orientale”, 58, 1 (2022), pp. 199-230, e-ISSN: 2385-3042

A dialogue with turāth: the combination of journalism, adab narrative prose and drama in ʿIṣām Maḥfūẓ’s ḥiwārāt, in “Rivista degli Studi”, XCIV, 2, pp. 71-90, ISSN PRINT: 0392-4866. E-ISSN: 1724-1853

The Memory of the Great War in a Selection of Writings by Mārūn ʿAbbūd, in “La Rivista di Arablit”, IX, 17-18 (December 2019), pp. 81-96. ISSN: 2239-4168

The Flux of a Mystical-Surrealist Trend through the Middle East and North Africa, in “La Rivista di Arablit”, VII, 14 (December 2017), pp. 63-76. ISSN: 2239-4168

Ispirazione romantica e sperimentalismo surrealista in due raccolte poetiche del siriano ‘Alī al-Nāṣir (1890-1970): al-Ẓamā’ (1931) e Suryāl (1947), in “La Rivista di Arablit”, VI, 12 (December) 2016, pp. 29-50. ISSN: 2239-4168

Kulluna lagi’ūn (Siamo tutti rifugiati): in onda la vita dei rifugiati siriani in Giordania, in “Mondi Migranti”, 2015, 3, pp. 193-212. ISSN 1972-4888, ISSNe 1972-4896

al-Ša‘b al-Sūrī Wāḥid (The Syrian people are one): Syrian Artists and Intellectuals against Sectarianism, in “La Rivista di Arablit”, V, 9/10 (December) 2015, pp. 87-105. ISSN: 2239-4168

Il contenuto italianistico nella rivista culturale egiziana “al-Risālah” nella prima metà del Novecento, in “La Rivista di Arablit”, IV, 7/8 (December 2014, pp. 108-116. (co-author: Hussein Mahmoud) ISSN: 2239-4168

L’esule algerino a Parigi nel romanzo Aṣābi‘ Lūlītā (Le dita di Lolita) di Wāsīnī al-A‘raǧ, in “La Rivista di Arablit”, IV, 7/8 (December 2014), pp. 188-200. ISSN: 2239-4168

Un contributo dimenticato al dibattito culturale nell’Egitto del 1940: la rivista “al-Taṭawwur”, in “La Rivista di Arablit”, II, 4 (November/December 2012), pp. 19-32. ISSN: 2239-4168

Ūrkhān Muyassar’s pioneering role in translating surrealism into Arabic, in Monique Bellan; Julia Drost (eds.), Surrealism in North Africa and Western Asia: Crossings and Encounters, Ergon Verlag in Kommission, Beirut 2021, p. 117-135. ISBN: 978-3-95650-858-5

The re-orientalisation of the myth of Adonis in ʿAshtarūt wa-Adūnīs by Ḥabīb Thābit, in Leonardo Capezzone (ed.), Before Archaeology. The Meaning of the Past in the Islamic Pre-Modern Thought (and After), Artemide, Roma 2020, pp. 187-202. ISBN: 978-88-7575-366-5

The Beginning of the New Age in Syro-Lebanese Poetry: the Case of the Revue al-Qīṯārah (The Lyre, 1946-47)”, in Maria Avino, Ada Barbaro; Monica Ruocco (Eds.). Qamariyyāt: oltre ogni frontiera tra letteratura e traduzione. Studi in onore di Isabella Camera d’Afflitto, Istituto per l’Oriente C. A. Nallino, Roma 2019, pp. 391-405. ISBN: 978-88-97622-291

Comic Folk Literature in the Time of Facebook: Luqmān Dayrakī and His Posts on Facebook, in Stephan Guth, Teresa Pepe (Eds.), Arabic Literature in a Posthuman World, Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Euramal, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2019, pp. 331-353. ISBN: 978-3-447-11261-1

The surrealist contents published in the magazine “Ši‘r”, in Marina Miranda (Ed.), Dal Medio all’Estremo Oriente. Studi del dottorato di ricerca in Civiltà dell’Asia e dell’Africa, Carocci, Roma 2018, pp. 19-32. ISBN: 9788843091027

Syria and the reception of surrealism: Suryāl 1947 Vs. Radio SūriāLī (SouriaLi) 2012, in Roger Allen, Tetz Rooke, Gonzalo Fernández Parrilla and Francisco Rodríguez Sierra (Eds.), New Geographies: Texts and Contexts in Modern Arabic Literature, Proceedings of the 11th Euramal Conference, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid 2018, pp. 115-133. ISBN: 978-84-8344-620-1

C. Ceyhun Arslan, The Ottoman Canon and the Construction of Arabic and Turkish Literatures, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 2024, pp. 231, in “La rivista di Arablit”, XIV, 27 (June 2024), pp. 157-163. ISSN: 2239-4168

Tarek Shamma; Myriam Salama-Carr (edited by), Anthology of Arabic Discourse on Translation, Routledge, London and New York 2022, pp. 399, in “La rivista di Arablit”, XIII, 25 (June 2023), pp. 93-98. ISSN: 2239-4168

Literary Visions of the Middle East. An anthology of canonical masterpieces of Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Hebrew fiction (mid-19th to early 21st centuries). Compiled, edited and commented by Stephan Guth, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2019, pp. 544, in “Rivista degli Studi Orientali”, XCIII, 1-2 (2020), p. 117-119. ISSN PRINT: 0392-4866. E-ISSN: 1724-1853.

Robyn Creswell, City of Beginnings. Poetic Modernism in Beirut, Princeton University Press, Princeton; Oxford 2019, pp. 259, in “La rivista di Arablit”, IX, 17-18 (December 2019), pp. 155-159. ISSN: 2239-4168

Sonja Mejcher-Atassi, Reading across Modern Arabic Literature and Art, Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden 2012, pp. 191, 15 tavv., in “La Rivista di Arablit”, VIII, 15 (June 2018), pp. 115-119. ISSN: 2239-4168

Yāsīn al-Ḥāǧǧ Ṣāliḥ, Bi ’l-ḫalāṣ yā šabāb! 16 ʿāman fī ’l-suǧūn al-sūriyyah, (Siamo salvi, ragazzi! 16 anni nelle carceri siriane), Dār al-Sāqī, Bayrūt 2012, in “La Rivista di Arablit”, VI, 12 (December 2016), pp. 104-109. ISSN: 2239-4168

Yūsuf al-Muḥaymmīd, Luġṭ mawtà (Il cicaleccio dei morti), Al-Kamel Verlag, Köln 2003, pp. 86, in “La Rivista di Arablit”, III, 5 (June 2013). ISSN: 2239-4168

Sulaymān al-Bustānī. L’Introduzione alla traduzione araba dell’Iliade (The Introduction to the Arabic translation of the Iliad). Edited by A. Monaco. Istituto per l’Oriente C. A. Nallino, Roma 2022, ISBN: 978-88-97622-83-3

Nidhal Guiga. Pronto Gagarine, in Federico Cruciani, Ilaria Carmen Restifo (Eds.), Nuovo Teatro Arabo, UniversItalia, Roma 2014, pp. 43-82. ISBN: 978-88-6507-567-8

4-7/01/2024: 2024 Modern Language Association Annual Convention, held in Philadelphia. Presentation title: The reception of Greek classics and myths in the nahḍah periodicals.

14-15/12/2023: Co-organization (with Francesca Rondinelli and Morad Montazami) of the International conference La volonté d’horizon of Georges Henein (1914-1973). Literature, Art, and Politics 50 Years Later, held at Villa Medici – Académie de France à Rome and Istituto per l’Oriente C.A. Nallino in Rome. Presentation title: Echoes of Georges Henein in the journalistic writings of Unsī al-Hājj.

14-16/12/2022: International conference Thresholds to Arabic Literary Criticism, organized by the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society, Columbia University of New York. Presentation title: Theory in Use: Samples of Literary Comparativism in the Footnotes of Sulaymān al-Bustānī’s Translation of the Iliad.

21/09/2022: International conference Insaniyyat 2022 (International Forum for Humanities and Social Sciences), Université de la Manouba, Tunis. Co-organizer (with Dr Fernanda Fischione) of the panel: How to face the socio-political crisis: reflections about Just Peace in the Arab cultural production. Presentation title: ʿIṣām Maḥfūẓ and the illusions of (inhumane) peace in the era of the unipolar world.

11-13/11/2021: international workshop The Journal as Form: Re-Thinking Approaches to the Study of Arabic Periodicals, Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin. Presentation title: The Form of the Arabic Surrealist Magazine: The Case of al-Ġurfah al-suryāliyyah (2020).

23/09/2021-24/09/2021: Iraq after 2003. When Trauma becomes Art. Myth, History, and Literature, Department Italian Institute of Oriental Studies, Sapienza University of Rome. Presentation title: The Search for Solitude of the Iraqi Poet in Exile ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Ǧanābī.

20/01/2019-22/01/2019: series of three conferences given at Qassim University and at the literary club of Buraydah (Saudi Arabia) with the following titles: al-Ǧīl al-ǧadīd li-ʾl-mustašriqīn al-īṭāliyyīn (The new generation of Italian orientalists), Dirāsāt al-adab al-ʿarabī fī Īṭāliyā (Studies about Arabic literature in Italy), Dirāsāt al-adab al-saʿūdī fī Īṭāliyā (Studies about Saudi literature in Italy)

16/07/2018-20/07/2018: WOCMES 2018, held at the University of Sevilla. Presentation title: The memory of the Great War in some writings of Mārūn ‘Abbūd.

11/07/2018: The Berliner Seminar, held at EUME-Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin. Presentation title: The Rebellious in Tradition: Sufism and Surrealism in Issam Mahfouz’ Work.

28/05/2018-1/06/2018: XIII EURAMAL Conference, “Fiction and History: the Rebirth of the Historical Novel in Arabic”, held at University of Naples “L’Orientale”. Presentation title: Ḥiwārāt ‘Iṣām Maḥfūẓ ma‘a al-turāṯ (‘Iṣām Maḥfūẓ’s conversations with the literary heritage).

13/03/2018: Giornata di studi sulla narrative saudita, held at Sapienza University of Rome. Presentation title: La rivista “Ab‘ād” del Nādī al-Qaṣṣīm al-Adabī fī Buraydah.

15/01/2018: Seminar at the Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies, Philipps Universität Marburg, Marburg. Presentation title: Surrealism and its Arabic Interactions.

5/07/2017-7/07/2017: BRISMES Conference 2017, “Movement and Migration in the Middle East: People and Ideas in Flux”, held at the University of Edinburgh. Presentation title: The Flux of a Mystical-Surrealist Trend through the Middle East and North Africa.

23/03/2017-25/03/2017: Colloque International “La lecture des créateurs”, organized by the University of Sfax and held at Hammamet (Tunisia). Presentation title: الرسم في قراءة الشاعر السوريالي السوري أورخان ميسر (Painting in the reading of the Syrian surralist poet Ūrḫān Muyassar).

14/11/2016-15/11/2016: Workshop “The Avant-Garde and its Networks. Surrealism in Paris, North Africa and the Middle East from the 1930s”, held at Orient-Institut Beirut. Presentation title: Syria and Surrealism: Urkhan Muyassar’s Pioneering Role in Translating Surrealism into Arabic

30/05/2016-4/06/2016: XII EURAMAL Conference, “Upholding Humanity in a Post-human World? Arabic Literature After the ‘Arab Spring’”, held at Oslo University. Presentation title: Muʿāraḍat al-karāǧāt: Luqmān Dayrkī and ʿAbbūd Saʿīd together to tarnish writers’ reputation

16/01/2015-17/01/2015: XII SeSaMo Conference, “Beyond the Arab Uprisings rediscovering the MENA region”, held at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice. Presentation title: al-Ša‘b al-Sūrī Wāḥid (The Syrian people are one): Syrian Artists and Intellectuals against Sectarianism

24/05/2014: Conference “Construction des avant-gardes: Georges Henein, le surréalisme et l’Égypte”, organized by Paris-Sorbonne and Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 Universities. Presentation title: Literature and Politics in Georges Henein’s Arabic production

7/05/2014-10/05/2014: XI EURAMAL Conference, “New geographies and genres: The function of literature”, held at Universidad Autonoma in Madrid. Presentation title: Syria and the reception of Surrealism: Siryal 1947 vs. Radio SuryaLi 2012

28/11/2013-29/11/2013: International Conference “Intercultural Studies: Theories and Practices of Cultural Exchanges with the Southern Coast of the Mediterranean”, held at Sapienza University of Rome. Presentation title: The Algerian Exile in Paris in Waciny Laredj’s novel Aṣābi‘ Lolita

Translator of the winning book of the Turjuman Award 2022, funded by the Sharjah Book Authority. Istituto per l’Oriente “C.A. Nallino” was awarded the prize for the publication of: Sulaymān al-Bustānī. Introduzione all’Iliade di Omero. Introduzione e traduzione di A. Monaco. Istituto per l’Oriente C. A. Nallino, Roma 2022. ISBN: 978-88-97622-83-3

Shortlist for the Sheikh Zayed Book Award 2022 in the category “Arab Culture in Other Languages”